I sprayed it lightly on any uncovered skin before I did yard work (mosquitoes are bad now) and not one bite! It is strongly scented so I sprayed from an arms length away and closed my eyes and mouth tightly before a spray over my face. After yard work I showered but I highly recommend!
Don Mildon
Defense Spray
Leaking bottle
Deodorant I bought leaks terrible. It is almost gone and I get the oil dripping on my hands
well, I can't imagine what it takes to live life without a good soak, and this takes a soak to its ultimate level. gets right to the spots that needs some tlc. thanks.
My family loves Christmas. My daughters husband is sad when the tree comes down in January. He loved the scent and it will help extend the christmas feeling in his home as the festivities wane. I gave them to my staff as well, who are young and didnt have trees in their apartments. I think they smell great!